Monday, April 28, 2014

My "no-poo-do" update

     For those of you who don't know about my no shampoo experiment, let me fill you in quickly. I have stopped using the commercial shampoos and conditioners you find in grocery stores and have switched to natural shampoo bars. It looks like a bar of soap except you wash your hair with it. For more on how I do it, you can look back through my past posts in March.
     I have been doing this for over a month and I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out.  My hair does not feel like straw! That's probably the biggest worry I had. I am, however washing it about every other day. That wasn't my goal, but I just found that I couldn't go more than three days without washing. It was just too much for me. I can't wear hats everywhere I go until my hair readjusts to the new washing schedule. I wash my hair every other day or every third day at most. I'm not doing the apple cider vinegar each wash either. I found that it almost conditioned my hair too much! I use it about every two weeks. However, your hair can become a bit static charged without it. If you have dry hair or maybe even curly hair, you will probably want to use it more often.
      The baking soda wash with vinegar rinse I have decided to do once monthly and that seems to be perfect for me. It gets any buildup out of my hair and also just feels awesome on my scalp. Just be sure not to be scrubbing it into your skin too hard as I'm sure it can be very irritating. I do it very gently and then down the length of my hair. As I've said before, this will make it squeaky clean. The vinegar will then balance your hair and make it super soft.
      Let's see, what else? Oh, yes! The bar shampoo leaves my hair with an awesome texture. I have a couple different bars and each leaves a different feel- even different scents in the same brand. I like it because I can do a messy hair look with zero hairspray. However, I tried hot rollers in my hair with this no poo method, and they didn't turn out quite as soft and sleek as I like. I would recommend a more natural liquid shampoo for styles like this.
     If you have any questions about how you can try the no poo method, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. Take care and have a great day!


Friday, April 25, 2014

First Time Mom: I'm pregnant. Now what?

     So, I wanted to switch things up a bit today by doing a post for moms-to-be. Firstly, let me say congratulations if you've peed on a stick and come up positive! Good work. If this wasn't planned it can be quite a lot to take in, and if it was planned-still probably a lot to take in.
     The next few months of your life will probably consist of a lot of planning and a lot of people asking you questions such as: Is it a boy or girl? Do you want a boy or a girl? Have you picked a name? Are you sure that's the name you want to pick? Please be prepared for some wild interrogation. It's kind of a right of passage. These questions will most likely at one point come from a stranger who believes your new belly is public domain. I am of strong belief that a swift swat of the hand is completely called for in these situations. But most importantly, this time should be full of anticipation and happiness.
       It's very important that you schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. They like to see you in before the three month marker. This appointment will consist of them confirming the pregnancy, making sure you are set up with prenatal vitamins and folic acid, doing a pelvic exam and possibly some blood tests, and probably scheduling your first sonogram. The sonogram may be to confirm how far you are into your pregnancy and they also have elective testing they can do for some disorders by way of sonogram if you would want to have time to be prepared with resources, knowledge, and what not in the event the baby would have a disorder. This part is elective though, doesn't test for all disorders, and as far as I'm aware it isn't 100% accurate. You will frequent the doctors through the rest if your pregnancy for blood tests, glucose testing, weight checks, nutrition information, and possibly more precautions if you are at higher risk or if you have a particular situation.
     Some moms choose not to go with the modern medical way and opt for a midwife instead. This is normal practice in many parts of the world. We are a unique country in the way we handle our pregnancy and  afterwards. Do some research. Really look into your options, and weigh out what is best for you. A big deciding factor may be what your insurance will cover so contact them if you're questioning anything about your financial responsibilities. has weighed out some of the pros and cons of docs vs midwives and you may agree or disagree with these so I urge you to dig around and do further research on the matter.
     I do know, however, that our traditional "lay down in the bed to deliver" method is not very effective and it really doesn't make sense if you know anything about gravity. So another thing you may want to keep in mind is calling the hospitals in your area to see if they allow you to birth other ways. Some have the balls you can sit on which helps through contractions, soaking in hot water helps, walking, and pushing while upright are all much more helpful than lying on your back. Some actually allow water births from what I hear. If water birthing or having a home birth is what you prefer, that may be your deciding factor in the midwife vs doctor debate, unless you can find a doctor who will do a house call.
     There are a ton of things to consider just during your pregnancy and delivery and fortunately for us, there are loads of resources at our fingertips to help us through. Here are a few:

  • is probably my favorite resource for pregnancy. You can sign up for weekly updates on your baby's development and what s/he looks like at each stage. There are answers for almost every question.
  • is another great place to find pregnancy answers
  • explains the different types of midwives and various alternative birthing techniques.
  • has a lot information on breast feeding as well as it's important to note that in the elsewheres of the world, it's not uncommon to breastfeed up to two years and is actually recommended.
  • If you need help with clothes, doctor bills, or anything else it may be helpful to contact your local social services, welfare office, your church, or United way. Here is the link for the United Way website.
  • has a list of states and their maternity and family leave laws and other helpful information.
  • And of course don't forget about amerimommy for all your mommy needs! :)
     I hope this was helpful and possibly nostalgic for vet mommies. Thanks for tuning in! As always, leave comments and questions!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My MommySlim Review: Plus how I got a free sample

     Hey, mommies! I have something new to share with you all that I'm pretty excited about. I don't have any affiliation with the company, but I really wanted to share this with you because the samples I got were so good AMAZING.
     Recently I found a new way to help moms lose some of their "mommy weight". Have you all heard of MommySlim? I came across a code for a free sample from MommySlim (which I will share with all of you at the end of this post). MommySlim has shakes and diet kits formulated especially for new moms trying to lose some wight. Before I go further, I want to say it's always important to talk to your doctor about any diet or weight loss program you want to start- especially after having a baby and if you're breast feeding! 
     Anyways, you can get meal replacement shakes from MommySlim which you can make as a shake or pudding. They come in a variety of flavors- chocolate, vanilla, mocha, and strawberry. You can get powder packets or pre-mixed shakes. In my free sample, I got 2 packets of the powder-chocolate and vanilla. Let me just say YUM! They were delicious! It really was like a shake. They were so frothy and filling. I literally almost couldn't even finish them. The flavor was so good. It didn't have that metallic taste that nutrition shakes sometimes have. And they were so easy to mix. All I did was put the powder in a glass, add water, and mix. It takes a bit to mix out all the lumps, so using a blender or shaker might make it a little more convenient.
     You can also purchase kits from MommySlim. They include all kinds of diet foods from soups, to desserts, to bars. The website makes it easy for you to decide what you will need to order by deciding which plan you want to follow. You can find more on that in the link I will post at the end. If you've been looking for a diet plan to get rid of that extra weight, this one might work for you. I tried the samples, and from what I tried I would say the shakes are very yummy. I don't think the two packets you get in the sample will help you lose weight, but it's nice to know what you're ordering before you have to pay for it! Check out the site for more info and good luck to whoever is trying to lose weight! Have you tried MommySlim before? Share your experiences with us!

Success Stories 

To find out more about MommySlim:

Here is where I found my free sample and coupons:

Samples are available while supplies last according to wonderslim.

**UPDATE** Good news! Amerimommy is now a Wonderslim affiliate. You can find more good deals from Wonderslim on the Amerimommy blog!

Do you like this blog? Click the banner below to vote for Amerimommy and help others find it too!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Amerimommy is now on facebook!

     Hello, moms! I'm really excited to let everyone know that Amerimommy is now connected to Facebook! There is a link on the right side of the page for everyone to click which will send you over to our facebook page. If you like Amerimommy, then please help spread the word. Amerimommy is a pretty new blog and I'm really happy that I can now share on a broader scale. And you guys can share too! If you want to share a particular post, or share the home page of Amerimommy, you can click on the heart on the right side of the page with the Facebook symbol on it. It's that simple to let people know about the blog! Plus, my fellow mommies can share fun posts and pics with everyone.
     I will be giving my Facebook followers hints about future posts before they are posted, so be sure to look out for those. There will be plenty of extra goodies on there, so remember to give Amerimommy a thumbs up! Let's try to reach 100 likes!

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

     Until recently, I had no idea we had a month devoted to the prevention of child abuse. We do. The first child protection legislation was passed in 1974 with the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. In 1983, April was declared National Child Abuse Prevention Month by congress to raise awareness and provide resources for and about child abuse on a national scale.
     "In 1989, the Blue Ribbon Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse had its early beginnings as a Virginia grandmother's tribute to her grandson who died as a result of abuse. She tied a blue ribbon to the antenna of her car as a way to remember him and to alert her community to the tragedy of child abuse. The Blue Ribbon Campaign has since expanded across the country, and many wear blue ribbons each April in memory of those who have died as a result of child abuse ("
     Upon doing research for statistics on child abuse in the US, I found these very alarming statistics here at child

General Statistics

  • A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds
  • More than four children die every day as a result of child abuse.
  • It is estimated that between 50-60% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates. 
  • Approximately 70% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4. 
  • More than 90% of juvenile sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator in some way. 
  • Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
  • About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. 
  • In at least one study, about 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder. 
  • The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 is $124 billion. 
     I have found some great resources for all of you:

Learn how to report suspected child abuse at can help you identify what child abuse is. There is more than one type.
Here  is a tip sheet for new moms and dads.
Here is another resource for recognizing child abuse in children and parents.
There is a parent helpline at 1-800-CHILDREN. For more on this visit this site.
You can also find a list of resources here.

I hope these links are useful for some of you and I really hope my mommy readers share this post. You never know when a fellow mommy or daddy is struggling at home for whatever reason. Please help these parents find resources and help so that a child doesn't have to pay the price. If you guys have any other great child abuse prevention resources, let me know! Spread the word so we can spread awareness.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to get rid of ants naturally

     Well, spring has sprung and the weather is warming up. You know what that means-BBQ, the park, vacation, and ants. These critters seem to find their way into your home no matter what you do. They wreak havoc in your kitchen and they don't let up until fall. Some of us will resort to the chemicals to clear them out. This can be especially dangerous if you have pets or little ones wandering around. It's scary to know they could get ahold of the traps or put their paws/hands in the spray zones.
     A couple years ago I tried a some natural remedies for getting these pests out if my home. Among the efforts, I used cinnamon. I heard the little buggers don't like it so I coated my counters and sprayed water on it letting it sit a while then whipping it clean. Giant fail. I'm not sure if I should have used an oil instead, but this didn't work for me.
     Then, I tried 1/2 and 1/2 vinegar and water in a spray bottle and let it sit. I wiped it clean and ... nothing! Strike two. They didn't let up. I found them in the sugar and around the stove. No matter how clean I kept the kitchen they wanted in. I found a trail of them climbing my trash can! Gross!
     Then, one winter, I started using tea tree oil in my regular homemade cleaners. You can find more of those recipes here. Anyway, this got me thinking about the ants I would soon be dreading and whether or not they would shy away from the smell of the tea tree oil, which is pretty strong stuff. I did some research and I found a lot of people saying they do stay away from it.
     So, this is my new line of defense. I use the 1/2 and 1/2 distilled vinegar and water spray and I add about two tsps tea tree oil and shake each time I use it. I use it on counters, the stove, windows, my trash can, etc. I also put it in my floor cleaner when I mop and I put it in water and dish soap when cleaning the inside of my trash cans. So far I have not been infiltrated by the ant army! As a side note, it's important to be careful with tea tree oil as it can cause skin reactions and some people can be allergic. Test it out before spraying it around your entire home! Tea tree oil is toxic if ingested! Do not eat it!
     Other tips to help keep ants at bay:

  • Always clean up spills as soon as possible, especially sugary ones. Use soap and water or your homemade cleaner.
  • Try to resist using sweet smelling air freshener sprays. Some of these actually have sugar or sugar substitutes in them which attracts bugs!
  • Clean your stove and counters after cooking or  preparing food.
  • Sweep floors often to avoid leaving crumbs for crawly critters.
  • Avoid eating in the living room or bedrooms to minimize the areas in your home where crumbs  might fall
  • Empty trashcans often.
  • Clean trashcans and recycling cans often.
  • Try finding a raised cat or dog food tray and keep surrounding areas free of food.

     I hope this helps some of you out! If you have another tried and true method of keeping the pests away naturally, leave a comment and let us know!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Titan Chains: My work at home review so far

     I am always keeping an eye out for legitimate work-at-home opportunities for you guys and I recently stumbled upon a gem. The company is called Titan Chains. It is a company which sells beautiful bracelets hand-made by ... You.
     I found an ad for Titan Chains and immediately went to the website. What I found was this:
The company sells beautiful bracelets which are hand made by "Titan crafters". What happens if you're interested in making the bracelets is you buy your starter kit which can vary in price depending on how much you want included. You can also choose to have a sample bracelet sent to you for reference. You sign an agreement which breaks down all the rules and regs for you (very important to read). Once you receive your starter kit you can view the instruction manual online. The instructions include really good pictures - It is very helpful and easy to follow. Once you have crafted a bracelet you feel confident with, you send in the sample. Titan Chains' quality control people will then decide if you are able to become a crafter. Once you get the go-ahead you can begin crafting for the company and essentially selling the bracelets to them. You need to buy the kits to make the bracelets and once you send in a complete lot, they pay you and reimburse you for the kit and shipping. There are rules and regs for the process, which is why I say you should read the agreement through, but this is the jist of he process.
     The company makes it very clear that you do not have to have previous jewelry making experience to do this. They supply you with everything you need to know. However, if you are experienced or if you get really crafty and good, you can buy kits from them to make and sell on your own. The rules are different for this type of work so you should also read through what the company has to say about it.
     If working with wire or crafting isn't exactly your cup of tea, don't be discouraged. There is yet a third avenue for working with the company. Titan chains offers you to be an affiliate of the company.
Basically, this means the company would pay you a commission for referring customers. You can find more on being an affiliate here.
     I have a deluxe training kit with the sample interchangeable wrap. I want to give a big shout-out and thank you to Titan Chains for sending me the kit for free so that I could review it for you all! This post wouldn't have been made possible otherwise. So, thanks to you, Titan Chains! Anyways, I got the package about three days after the order was placed. Everything was packaged nicely and there were no damages. I visited the site for instructions and quickly got to work. I will say that if you have never made anything like this before, learning will take some time. It took me hours to figure out how to manipulate the wire and get the loops tight enough. I did, however, figure it out.
     So far, Titan Chains seems very legitimate and quite promising. I have had correspondence with the company through email (which is their preferred method of communication) and they are always prompt and courteous in their response. I have not sent in my sample, but I will definitely keep all of you updated on my experiences with this company. In the meantime, check it out for yourselves and see what you think.
     As always, I encourage your comments. If anyone has questions, please feel free to leave those as well. Thanks, all, and have a great day!

   ***  You can see my update on Titan Chains here. ***

Friday, April 11, 2014

Generosity towards our fellow human

     This post is going to be a little different, but I think it's relevant to all of us. Too many times we see people in need and no one is willing to do the smallest thing to help. This was brought to mind when remembering a gentleman I saw beside the road with a cardboard sign saying, "homeless, please help". He was an older man standing with a cane and just a small pull-along with his belongings. I watched car after car pass the man who had picked quite a busy intersection to stand in. It seems like our society has either become numb to people in similar situations or is in denial that this could happen to anyone. I don't know anything about this man. I don't know if he made bad choices in his life to get him where he is or if there was some sort of unpreventable catastrophe that happened. Maybe he lost a job during the recession. Maybe he was on a fixed income. Maybe his loved one passed and left him with too many bills and debt. Perhaps he had/has an addiction issue. None of that is really relevant to me, though, because I have had many days that felt much less than perfect and I'm not about to try passing judgement. I didn't have much for this gentleman; in fact, I too had zero income. But I was driving a car. I had food at my house. I also had a few dollars in my pocket. It wasn't much. It wouldn't even get me half a tank of gas, but it was something. I turned my car around and went back to that busy intersection where I saw car after car passing this man again. I rolled down the window and handed this man just a few dollars and the look on his face was pure gratitude.
     Now, some of you might think it isn't smart to hand out money. I know that there is a possibility that when you give someone money it might go to something unsavory. I know that when I give someone money on their birthday, there is a good chance they are going to blow that money. Just as I know that there is a possibility that the money I handed that man might have gone to something other than the necessities of living. We like to think that if we make a donation it will go to something life changing like medical supplies or food and shelter. That wasn't the point of what I did though. I saw a man whose day was looking a little less than perfect. If I was in his shoes, having a couple dollars in my pocket might make the difference between a good day and a bad day. Just knowing that I now have something to help me along would probably come in small packages.
     My life didn't crumble apart because I didn't have those couple dollars in my pocket anymore. And on the other hand I didn't have a symphony playing my praises when I handed him the money, but I did feel the thankfulness that the man had and that was plenty.
     So here is what I'm getting at: Every day we see people in need - whether they need money, food, a hug, advice, or just someone to listen. I believe that each of us has something to give. Maybe a child in your son or daughter's class is left out or picked on. Perhaps offer a play date. Lend an ear to his mom or dad. Maybe you see someone along the road with a sign. Maybe there is a fast food joint nearby. A burger is very inexpensive to those who have money. If we all just reach out at least some of the times we see someone in need, this world might be a lot easier to get along in.
     Thanks guys. Leave some feedback.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My review

     Every once in a while I like to do a review of a product or service I really like. This time it's an online party supply Let me just say that I love the layout. It is so easy to find what you are looking for and to navigate your way through the site. You can choose supplies for baby showers and birthday parties, bridal showers, baptisms, and pretty much any type of party you're thinking about throwing. The website breaks the categories down for you so you don't have to go through the entire site to find what you want. For example, if you select the birthday category you will then be taken to a screen that allows you to choose from first birthday, kids' birthdays, sweet 16, or adult birthdays. Like I said, it's very easy and convenient.
     As for pricing, I window shopped other sites and this seems to be the least expensive among others who carry similar products. The selection also gets five out of five stars in my opinion. They really do have just about everything you could ask for. Plus, a quick search for partypail coupons came up very successful for me. I was able to find a coupon for free shipping (score!). I could buy everything for my fiesta at minimal cost and not even pay shipping.
      My next question was how fast would it get here? I was unsure of how big the company was and how many resources they had for shipping, but when you place the order they ask you for the date of the party just in case something is backed up. I was almost literally floored when I received my order two days after I placed it!
      I would definitely recommend keeping this site in mind for any of your future parties if you like to buy your supplies online instead if standing in a store staring at the shelves for hours trying to figure out what you want.
      Anyone else have any experience with Let me know in the comments!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Easter eggs!

     With Easter rapidly approaching, it's time (if not by now) to start planning egg coloring and basket stuffing. I gathered a few tips for you guys to keep in mind.
     You really don't HAVE to have the egg coloring kits. Although they are quite inexpensive, you probably have all the ingredients you need for egg coloring in your kitchen cupboard already. If you have food coloring and vinegar or kool-aid, you can make your eggs without the dye tablets. writes this recipe for egg coloring:

  1. Mix 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 10 to 20 drops food color in a cup to achieve desired colors. Repeat for each color. Dip hard-cooked eggs in dye for about 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon, wire egg holder or tongs to add and remove eggs from dye. Allow eggs to dry.

     You can also use Kool-Aid. Just add one packet to about 2/3 cup water. You don't need to add anything else. There are tons of colors to choose from and it smells great, too!
     If you want to add design, don't forget to draw on the eggs with a white crayon BEFORE putting them in the color. Anywhere there is white crayon, the color won't stain. You will have cute creations in no time. Also, don't forget to boil your eggs in baking soda for easy peeling. Generally, the advice is about 1/2 tsp baking soda per 3 cups water. Remember to start your eggs in cold water rather than putting them straight into boiling water to prevent cracking.
     I also came across a lot of people who say poking a hole in the bottom (fatter end) of the egg with a clean tack or needle will almost always prevent the egg from cracking. The reason being that the trapped air was causing the cracks and now that there is a hole, the air can escape safely.
     If you are like me and you only ever boil eggs once a year and have to google how long to boil eggs once a year, then this next reminder is for you:

        Carefully place eggs in a single layer on the bottom of your saucepan. Cover them with cool water. Add your baking soda as described above (1/2 tsp/3 cups water). Put on high heat until the water is rapidly boiling. Remove the pan from the heat and cover. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes and voila! Drain your eggs and you've got hard boiled eggs!

     Hopefully this helps you all. Leave a comment with your favorite way to decorate eggs!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Top Mommy Blogs

     In case you didn't hear, Amerimommy is now a Top Mommy approved blog! This is very exciting. Top mommy blogs is a blog directory for ... moms. You can find just about any kind of mommy blog you could ever hope to find there. They have blogs for adoption, cooking, coupons, crafts, home and garden, and so much more. This is an exciting step for this blog because Top Mommy Blogs doesn't accept every blog that applies to be part of the directory. The best part is if you enjoy reading a blog, you can "vote" for that blog once a day just by clicking the badge or banner on that blog that links to TMB. So, if you feel the need to help others find Amerimommy, please feel free to vote!
     The next cool part of TMB is that there is a forum community you can join to get involved in conversations and there are some cool ways to give people praise for their comments in there as well. I find TMB to be a very helpful tool for moms, especially if there is something in particular you're looking for like crafts or coupons or advice on a certain subject.
     So, if your ready to check it out, there is a badge at the top right side of the page that will take you there! (And vote for Amerimommy of course :D).

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