I don't know about all of you, but I really like when people share recipes on Facebook. Some of these are so creative and so easy it's almost a terrible folly not to at least give it a whirl. The last recipe I shared with you all was for pancakes made with just bananas and eggs. I have to be honest by saying it wasn't a total success. I've also seen other people say the same thing I said - it was more like a banana omelet. You can find that post here.
This next recipe, however, was definitely a success in my book. I saw the recipe floating around a few times and actually, I've seen a few variations of the recipe and I'm not sure where it came from so I'm just going to share how I did mine. But the first time I saw it I was like, "oh, heck yeah". It's really easy to make and it's actually pretty healthy. It doesn't take long to prepare and bake at all and, honestly, I have made them for breakfast. It's great for kids because they think they're getting cookies but really they are getting a better breakfast than any cold cereal offers. You could serve it with a tall glass of juice or milk and some yogurt and have some happy little campers. So let's get down to it!
What you'll need is:
- 3 ripe, smashed bananas
- 2 cups oats
- 1/4 cup milk (almond milk is great for a good taste and fewer calories. I tried it with almond milk and with 1% and both ways were good)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup applesauce
- 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
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