Monday, June 2, 2014

Another Facebook Recipe: banana/apple oatmeal cookies

      I don't know about all of you, but I really like when people share recipes on Facebook. Some of these are so creative and so easy it's almost a terrible folly not to at least give it a whirl. The last recipe I shared with you all was for pancakes made with just bananas and eggs. I have to be honest by saying it wasn't a total success. I've also seen other people say the same thing I said - it was more like a banana omelet. You can find that post here.

      This next recipe, however, was definitely a success in my book. I saw the recipe floating around a few times and actually, I've seen a few variations of the recipe and I'm not sure where it came from so I'm just going to share how I did mine. But the first time I saw it I was like, "oh, heck yeah". It's really easy to make and it's actually pretty healthy. It doesn't take long to prepare and bake at all and, honestly, I have made them for breakfast. It's great for kids because they think they're getting cookies but really they are getting a better breakfast than any cold cereal offers. You could serve it with a tall glass of juice or milk and some yogurt and have some happy little campers. So let's get down to it!

      What you'll need is:

  • 3 ripe, smashed bananas
  • 2 cups oats 
  • 1/4 cup milk (almond milk is great for a good taste and fewer calories. I tried it with almond milk and with 1% and both ways were good)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup applesauce
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
      Basically, you just smash up your bananas, mix in all the ingredients until it is well blended and place the mix on a cookie sheet in cookie-sized shapes. They don't really grow when you cook them, they just harden so you can place them fairly close together without worry and you can shape them and have fun with them. I didn't spray my cookie sheet with anything and I had no problem getting them to come off the pan. I set my oven to 350* and let them in for 20 minutes. I would say you can get about 12 cookies out of this recipe, depending on how large you're making them. That's it. Kids love them and they are quite healthy, so thumbs up to whoever thought up this creation! 

       Thanks for playing along and if any of you have alterations you made to this recipe, please let us know!


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