Do you remember the Disney movie Up? The Fredricksen's save all their spare money in a glass jar for their dream trip, but life keeps bringing them obstacles, so they have to smash into their jar of savings time and again.

- State parks. State parks are great for hiking, picnics, swimming (when it's allowed), or even a weekend getaway. Chances are you have one close to you.
- Don't have a state park nearby? How about your back yard? Young kids like being outdoors and they definitely like doing things out of the ordinary. Try popping a tent in your back yard and "roughing it" for a night or two. They'll never forget playing games in the tent and telling spooky stories.
- Local playgrounds make for a nice day along with picnics. Try going ahead of time to plan out a fun scavenger hunt.
- Do you have farms near you? Some farms offer tours. Look into it.
- Museums. Museums are everywhere! Do a quick search online of your area and museums and you'll probably find a few. Check your local library to see if they offer discounts or free passes.
- Pet stores. This one might sound strange, but going to the pet store to watch the bunnies play almost always makes for a smiling face.
- Free factory tours are fun too. Places that make snacks or candies often have free tours to watch how it's made. Kids really enjoy seeing what's on the inside and they often get a free sample at the end of the tour.
- Don't forget your local library. Most have game nights, movie nights, story times, and even hang out times for teens. If your library doesn't, make the suggestion.
- Local pools are always a fun way to get kids outdoors. Most even provide swimming lessons for a small fee.
- Check with your local home improvement store. Some have workshops once or twice a month for kids to build their own masterpiece for free. Also on that note, craft stores have craft times for kids-usually at a small fee.
- Check to see if your church has a vacation bible school. These usually last for a week. Some are all day while others last a couple hours. Ask if there is a fee.
- Is there a railroad near you? You may be surprised at how affordable a train ride is.
- If you are bent on going to an amusement park, you may be happy to hear there are still some free admission amusement parks around. You still have to pay for rides and food of course, and there may not be one quite near to you. You can find a list of remaining free admission parks here.
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